Most of Amanda's childhood was spent in the quaint town of Ellington, Missouri. As she grew older, the family relocated to Rolla, Missouri, where she completed her high school education. She loved to play sports but softball was her favorite. What truly set Amanda apart, however, was her unique ability to never pass judgment on others. This exceptional quality allowed her to effortlessly forge numerous friendships throughout her life.



Amanda's Kiddos

Amanda was a loving mother who adored her two children, Tyler and Kaylee. On August 29, 2020 the unthinkable happened and she tragically lost her life due to domestic violence. Tyler was only nine years old, while Kaylee was just five when they lost their mother. Despite the devastating loss, Amanda's love and care for her children will always be remembered.

Kaylee ready for preschool
Kaylee ready for preschool
Tyler and Kaylee with icecream
Tyler and Kaylee with icecream
Tyler and Mom on front porch
Tyler and Mom on front porch
Tyler with backpack
Tyler with backpack

Amanda's children are incredibly blessed to have a strong and caring family support system. Despite going through difficult times filled with tears and countless sleepless nights, Tyler and Kaylee have managed to flourish. Their progress is truly something to celebrate.

Unfortunately, not all children are as fortunate as Tyler and Kaylee. Many of them have very limited options and often find themselves in the system, which is truly heart-wrenching. It is crucial that we work towards providing better opportunities and support for these children, so they too can have a chance to thrive and have a brighter future ahead of them.

Many children who are deprived of the love and support they deserve during their formative years will grow up to face numerous challenges and difficulties as adults. The absence of a nurturing and caring environment can have long-lasting effects on their emotional and psychological well-being. These individuals often struggle with low self-esteem, insecurity, and a lack of trust in others. Additionally, they may face difficulties in forming healthy relationships and coping with stress. The impact of such a deprived childhood can extend to various aspects of their lives, including education, employment, and overall quality of life. It is crucial to recognize the significance of providing love and support to children, as it greatly influences their development and future prospects.